Island Fun

George, Ron and I had lunch at Eat Cetera.  Good sandwich.

Then went to see if Holly was working.  She was and we got to catch up.  I then drove around the island while watching the water.  I miss having a large body of water around.  I then had dinner with George and Ron at Yamatos for some Hibachi.  Awesome fried rice.

Then down to downtown for art walk.  Interesting art this time.  Seeing art always inspires me musically whether the art was good or bad.  This time it did nothing for me.  Some was well done but did not really strike me as amusing this time.  There were a lot of people out for art walk and I still run into people there even though I have not live there for a year.  Ran into a former student Josh who is now married and has a kid.  Ran into a sister of one of my former students, Sarah,  and found out that she is back from Germany and also is married with kids.

Then back to Ron’s for some wine, conversation and organ playing.

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