New Possibilities

We all went to the Country buffet for breakfast-lunch. It is one of the few
places we can eat with Oryn because we can get our food right away. I even got
to feed Oryn strawberry bananas. Then back home to copy all our pictures for
each other. Pictures from my phone and my camera, pictures from DD’s phone and
camera and pictures from AD’s phone. We also hung out and talked. It has been
a fun and relaxing.

I am also a different person than I was when I arrived here. I see the world
with new possibilities and living in the present. Not the past or the future.
Because when you live in either one of those you miss the present.

The other thing that I have learned is to be happy or at least content with the
present. For too long I have been saying that I am currently in transition
mode or survival mode. Look to the future but enjoy the present. Time goes by
really quickly and I want to be able to look back and say I did all I could and
I enjoyed everything I could. I enjoyed my vacation here. Tomorrow it is time
for me to make other memories back home and to live in the moment because all we
really have control over is the present.

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