A Drum Circle, a Band and Really Cute Girls

This evening I went to Java’s to play in a drum circle. There were good players who really know how to play West African Djembe drumming. After the drum circle I noticed Kristy, the tutor director at the college, was having coffee there and went to talk to her for a bit. At about 10p, I went to my car and heard a band playing at Yaga’s. So I dropped off my drum and when to check it out. It was Russell’s band (he was my student worker last semester at the college which I called him my slave). So I went in. There were a bunch of really cute girls there. The band was really good. I was going to leave after a few songs when I got there but during the break Russell asked me to stay and hear some of the songs in the next set. So I ended up staying until they finished. Then there was DJ dance music. I had to stay to dance with the cute girls. The DJ music stopped at a little after 2a and ended up talking to the members of Russell’s band. I got home at about 3a. (Ya I know how can I write about today if I did not get home until tomorrow? I like to set my entries to be on the day the event happened instead of when I write it if it happens to be the next day.) I just seem to be hanging out in downtown this weekend.

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