On a Rant

I usually do not get into politics since they generally hurt me rather than help me but since someone thought it was better to help another country than helping ourselves it has hurt me and people I know personally. I am not talking about the solders in the war, I am talking about the money. What people do not realize is that helping them hurts us. The government is saying they do not have enough money and will have to cut stuff. Well the 1st thing they cut is education. Now I hear people say “kids these days are not that smart.” Hum I wonder why? Cutting education also cuts teachers. I know people trying to get a gig in education and can not because of the lack of openings. There is a lack of openings because there is not enough money to hire more teachers but we seem to have a lot of money to throw over seas.
Click on the link below to a web site to see how much money we could have used for education instead of sticking our nose into other people’s business. Now the argument is that they needed our help. Well THE UNITED STATES NEEDS HELP! I think we should help ourselves before deciding to help other countries.

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