Out On the Farm

Breakfast was eggs, sausage and toast. Lunch was chicken and dumplings. Both meals were very good. Then Jennifer, her dad and I went out to their farms.
One was her Dad’s parents farm which Jennifer’s parents took over and farmed for 20 years, the other someone is renting and her parents get 40 percent of the profits. Their farm has wheat. Jennifer picked one and had me taste it. Pretty good. What great open spaces with little hills scattered about.
Her parents friends had come by for a surprise visit when they were passing though town. It was interesting listening to the conversations. Very prairie Canada like. For dinner we had turkey and dumplings which were quite good. Then Jennifer, her Mom and I went to out on the porch to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. It was a little chilly and we each had blanket on to keep up warm. We saw some really nice meteors and a few were quite bright with long tails.

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