Old Friend Came to Visit

John is one of my 2nd oldest friends. I have known him since I was in 8th grade. He just recently started being a trucker, driving big semi trucks across the country. Today he was making a delivery in Houston. So I went up, picked up Jennifer and then picked up John at a truck stop. There were a whole lot of semi trucks parked there. He has a nice truck and quite big. He has a bed, a tv, dvd player in the cabin of his truck. Pretty cool.
We then took him to Oishii’s for Japanese. Then to House of Pies for desert. I had my favorite, Key Lime Pie. He would tell us about his adventures as a truck driver and what it is like being on the road. John and I reminisced about when we l lived in California and told Jennifer about out late night card games at Hof’s Hut. John and I would play 4 card games at the same time. Kings Corner, Crazy Eights, Rummy and our own variation we created – Double Kings Corner with 2 card decks. We would sometimes play until 4a.
Then took him back to his truck. It was great to see and hang out with him again.
Drive on John.

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