A Packed Hang Out Day on the Island

My friend George came over around noon. Soon after my friend Melanie called and George and I talked to her for over an hour. Then George bought me lunch at Salsas. (Thanks George.) While at Salsas DD called and talked for almost an hour. He is putting in double paned windows in his house. Yay DD. Then droved down seawall and took some pictures of the ocean. Then went to see my friend Ron at the church were he works. Tomorrow the organ reeds are being shipped to Hartford to be cleaned and repaired because of the water and humidity damage created by Ike. He gave George a tour of the pipes. Ron then improvises using the variety of the mixtures using the reed pipes. Then Ron and I improvised together. It was fun and it was a nice goodbye and send off to the pipes for awhile.
We then went to a coffee place were we ran into my friend Rob. I got a cherry and French vanilla Italian soda (It was quite good.) and hung out with Rob. We then got hungry and all 3 of us walked to New York Pizzeria and got a slice of pizza. (Remember that these are large slices.) and talked with him some more. By the time George and I got to my place it was 9:45p. Called Jennifer to say hi and here I am writing this lovely entry. The great part all this is that none of it other than George coming over was planned.
Now that is what I call an awesome and fun day!

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