Heading to SoCal

After spending a great weekend with Jennifer relaxing, making Indian food and banana peanut butter chocolate muffins it was time to get up this morning, pack my stuff back up and head for the airport.  I had Thai buffet lunch with her before I dropped her off at work and i drove to the airport.  I still hate flying.  Continental is still better than most airlines, I still hate flying.  I purposly made sure I got the aisle seat but when I got to the gate, the checker handed me another thicket with another seat which ended up to be a middle seat.  I hate the middle seat. 

So after a little over a 3 hour flight I was is SoCal.  DD picked me up and we ate at Friscos.  I had a really good pizza.  Then walked next door and got a couple of Crispy Cream donuts since they are no more left out in Houston.  Then to bed.

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