Pizza, Parade and Blue Moon

DD and I went back to Deano’s. The same pizza place we went to on Friday and got the same pizza. DD really liked it and wanted it again. Then went to Office Depot to get him a bigger flash drive to put pictures on. We then parked and walked across the street to see the parade. I caught another stuffed animal. This time a colorful dog. It looked like something a little kid would have. So I found Malory, a cute little 2 year old near me, and gave it to her. She smiled and grabbed a hold of it real tight. I made her happy.
DD and I then went back to the Blue Moon Saloon for some more music and dancing. This time being a day before Mardi Gras, it was really crowed so very little dancing this time. I happened to sit next to an old woman who’s husband of 47 years just passed away. She is out with her 2 sons having fun and celebrating life following his wishes. I also saw a former student there. That just might be the 1st time since I have lived here which is unusual for me. In Galveston I ran into my former and current students all the time around town. DD had fun there also.

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