Last Bit of New Orleans

Today I took Kimberly to Cafe Envie for some coffee and pastries for a sorta breakfast. We were still hungry so I took her to the Mongolian Grill. She wanted a grilled cheese and I had the buffet while sitting outside watching people walk around the French Market. After we ate, we she wanted to walked the French Market. While we were in the French Market I bought this.

Ok, so I might have been influenced by living in Louisiana. It is a real alligator preserved. Looks pretty cool and is now living with my stuffed animals that I caught during the Mardi Gras parades last year.

I then took her to see the New Orleans cemetery. Many of the mausoleums are from the 1800’s. Stop at her hotel restaurant for some soda and then took her to the airport. It was great to see her and hangout again.

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