It Has Been Awhile

So today as I was dealing with my slightly neglected garden dealing with the weeds and this plant that seems to enjoy growing in front of my front door, I realized that I had not written in here in a while.  So what’s been going on with me since the last time I wrote in this which seems to be the end of last year. Well I am still teaching college.  The same classes as last semester.  

I went to Mardi Gras again in New Orleans this time just from Sunday to Wednesday.   It was still crazy with all the wild outfits,  the people, the parades and of course the all the breasts to see and kisses I received. One evening I hung out with two couples who live in England. It was a trip listening to there comments through out the evening. This year at the Zulu parade, I finally caught a carved out coconut. They are rare catch. I also caught a hand made bead made with small beads and what looks like colored glass or crystals.

I am still swing dancing, though it is to Zydeco music not swing music but still danceable. One of my students brought me to Randols where his friends dance to live Zydeco music. Some go to my college but most go to the university in town. I have taught them some of the moves I do and I have learned a few new moves from them including some aerials.

Finals are approaching which means summertime for traveling and more free time to compose.

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